Sunday, November 15, 2009


Thus far, I have had many days filled with emotions too powerful to put into words; so I won't even try to. Eric moved out nearly a month ago today....what progress we have made in that time. Many things have changed. My house is more crazy, but it is nice to feel alive again and to see my kids start to become kids again after so many years of not being permitted to be normal kids with normal kid behaviors. I watch them wrestle and laugh and play, and yes, even argue from time to time. I love listening to them laugh and joke around and be jovial. These are all things that have not been permitted, but only on rare occasion, in the past 5 years. Sometimes I think I am going to go crazy with the noise of an active household, but I know the kids are just letting lose from years of suppression. I allow them to be kids and feel it is healthy behaviors but I do give them parameters. Also as time goes on, the less contention we are feeling in our home. We pray multiple times a day to bring a positive and comforting spirit into our home. This is something we could have done before and even tried to do before, but the contention was just too much. I love watching my kids soak up the spiritual stuff as we add more and more to our daily routine. They are all so wonderful and strong. I have been so blessed with wonderful children who are so spiritually strong. They are truly an example to me every day.